Test PM IV 06

Test PM IV 06

During its 79 years of existence and development (since 1945), the United Nations (UN) has contributed significantly to maintaining international peace and security. In the human rights field, particularly, the UN has made outstanding marks with its constant efforts in building international tools and institutions to ensure human rights on a global scale. To clarify the UN's role in this regard, the following article will look at some of the UN's specific responsibilities in developing legal standards on human rights, establishing a mechanism for supervising member states’ implementation of obligations, putting in place legal procedures for those who violate human rights, and conducting joint initiatives to support member states in fulfilling their duties.
United Nations
human rights
International Bill of Human Rights
monitoring mechanism

[1] 1. Report of the human rights inquiry commission established pursuant to Commission resolution S-5/1 of 19 October 2000 (E/CN.4/2001/121), para. 122.

[2] 2. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, The Human Rights Manual (fourth edition), https://www.dfat.gov.au/sites/default/files/human-rights-manual-fourth-e..., truy cập ngày 5/10/2023.

[3] 3. Human Rights Council, Universal Periodic Review, https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/upr/upr-home, truy cập 02/11/2023.

[4] 4. Human Rights Council, Human Rights Council Complaint Procedure, https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/complaint-procedure/hrc-complaint..., truy cwww.ohchr.org/

[5] 5. Human Rights Committee (HRC), General Comment No. 18 - Non-discrimination, https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/TBSearch.asp..., truy cập 22/11/2023.

[6] 6. International Court of Justice (1996), Reports of judgements, advisory opinions and orders - Legality or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons, Advisory Opinion of 8 July 1996, https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/95/095-19960708..., truy cập ngày 1/11/2023.

[7] 7. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Report No.55/97, Case No.11.137: Argentina, OEA/Ser/L/V/II.98, Doc.38, December 6 rev,1997, para. 183.

[8] 8. Morten Kjaerum, From International Law to Local Communities: The Role of the United Nations in the Realization of Human Rights, https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/international-law-local-communit..., truy cập ngày 29/11/2023.

[9] 9. Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân & Nguyễn Thị Hồng Yến (2024, Đồng chủ biên), Pháp luật và thực tiễn thực thi khuyến nghị của các thiết chế quốc tế về các quyền dân sự, chính trị tại Việt Nam hiện nay, Nxb. Chính trị Quốc gia Sự thật.

[10] 10. OHCHR, International Bill of Human Rights, https://www.ohchr.org/en/what-are-human-rights/international-bill-human-..., truy cập ngày 15/11/2023.

[11] 11. OHCHR, International Human Rights Law, https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-and-mechanisms/international-human-..., truy cập ngày 15/11/2023.

[12] 12. OHCHR, Status of Ratification Interative Dashboard, https://indicators.ohchr.org, truy cập 29/11/2023.

[13] 13. OHCHR, Technical Cooperation in the field of human rights, https://www.ohchr.org/en/countries/technical-cooperation, truy cập 28/11/2023.

[14] 14. OHCHR, Guidelines and tools for treaty body reporting, https://www.ohchr.org/en/treaty-bodies/guidelines-and-tools-treaty-body-..., truy cập ngày 18/2/2024

[15] 15. UN Secretary-General, COMPILATION OF GUIDELINES ON THE FORM AND CONTENT OF REPORTS TO BE SUBMITTED BY STATES PARTIES TO THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS TREATIES, HRI/GEN/2/Rev.6 3 June 2009, https://documents.un.org/doc/undoc/gen/g09/428/29/pdf/g0942829.pdf?token..., truy cập ngày 18/2/2024

[16] 16. OHCHR, Human rights indicators, https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-and-mechanisms/human-rights-indicators, truy cập ngày 18/2/2024

[17] 17. Phạm Hồng Hạnh (2021), “Vai trò của Liên hợp quốc trong đảm bảo thực thi các quy định của luật nhân đạo quốc tế về bảo vệ thường dân trong xung đột vũ trang”, Tạp chí Nhà nước và pháp luật, số 4/2021.

[18] 18. Security Coucil (1994), S/1994/1125, Preliminary report of the Independent Commission of Experts established in accordance with Security Council resolution 935 (1994) (S/1994/1125)

[19] https://www.securitycouncilreport.org/atf/cf/%7B65BFCF9B-6D27-4E9C-8CD3-..., truy cập ngày 5/11/2023.

[20] 19. United Nations, Thematic Mandates, https://spinternet.ohchr.org/ViewAllCountryMandates.aspx?Type=TM, truy cập 02/11/2023.

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